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When you need us, it’s our privilege to be your strength.

We work with startups to multinationals, providing legal insight and minimizing risk. We develop enterprise-wide strategy in B2B relationships, transactional, and functionary activities. In addition to acting as general counsel, we also manage our clients’ interests when facing litigation, significant business disputes, business divorce, and contract review/litigation.


Our Mission

Deliver exceptional results at maximum value to our clients.


We’re small, fast, and focused — We move at the speed of business

There is a distinct focused commonality to the problems we solve for our clients — in and out of the courtroom: an exceptional client experience.

Practice Areas

Outside general counsel

Operations continue to change quickly. Organizations face a litany of challenges to remain competitive and safe while delivering value to shareholders and stakeholders. Strategic utilization planning, capital asset management, vendor services contracting, regulatory compliance & risk mitigation, supply chain and technology adoption are all business and legal services we provide to our clients.

Transaction review & execution

Whether developing client facing relationship management programs or internal risk mitigation strategies, Highbridge Law has the skill and experience to deliver high value to your business.

(202) 539-4848


Let’s talk shop

Look no further for prompt, courteous, and competent legal representation dedicated to delivering maximum value.


call today

(202) 539-4848